
QuickStart and Concepts

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FlightFormation is a tool for scaling your Heroku application's dynos. "Dyno" is just the fancy Heroku term for your application's containers/vms/servers/hamster-wheels.

Getting up and running with FlightFormation is easy, here are the steps:

  • Provision the addon with Heroku so that it can scale your dynos.
  • Create a few formations. "Formation" is Heroku speak for a group of dynos.
  • Schedule your formations for your application's usages patterns.

The following sections provide more detail on these steps.

Provision FlightFormation

Provisioning FlightFormation with your application allows us to access the Heroku API on your application's behalf and scale your dynos. If you want to read more about provisioning in Heroku's documentation, read it here. Check out the sections below to learn more about provisioning FlightFormation.

Create Formations

A formation is a group of dynos that run your application's processes, as shown in your Procfile.
Think of formations as a recipe of dynos, like {2 x web @ Standard-1X, 3 x worker @ Performance-M, 1 x mailer @ Standard-2X, etc.}. A good starting point is your existing formation - we'll use that as your default.

Learn more about Formations

Schedule Formations

Once you have a couple formations, you can schedule them to run at different times. A common pattern here is to scale down your application at night or on the weekends.

Learn more about Schedules